Keep It 2.6.1

Keep It 2.6.1

Keep It is for writing notes, keeping web links and documents, and finding them again. Available on Mac, and as a separate app for iPhone and iPad, Keep It is the destination for all those things you want to put somewhere, confident you will find them again later.

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ProFind 1.30

ProFind 1.30

ProFind is advanced file search app for macOS.

With powerful features and great performance, ProFind delivers advanced file search for macOS. And with support for natural language queries, application launching, hidden location searches, scripting and more.

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Monit 2.2.0

Monit 2.2.0

Slide out Notification Center to quickly see key performance data for your Mac, such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and Battery. Click the charts to drill down and reveal more details. Click the Network and Disk Icons to view even more data.

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Dropshare 6.1.0


Your very own secure file sharing tool! Dropshare is a so-called menulet that enables you to easily drag&drop files, folders and anything else to your own server, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files or Google Drive. Once uploaded, the app copies the link to the file to your Mac's clipboard and you're ready to share with anyone you like!

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USBclean 4.2.2

USBclean 4.2.2

USBclean quickly and easily removes all those pesky junk and ghost files from your external Windows formatted USB drives. .DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices. Remove them all quickly and easily with USBclean. Configure USBclean the way you want! Remove files by dragging your drive into the handy drop zone, from the system menubar, or by dropping straight onto the dock icon. You can easily configure USBclean to run only from the system menubar and open at login. It's a snap to auto quit after dropping your drive onto the dock icon. USBclean always ejects your drive after cleaning for your convenience.

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Hides 7.0.6

Hides 7.0.6

Boost your productivity with Hides. Enable Single App Mode, to focus on the task at hand. Single App Mode will hide all other open applications automatically, so you can focus on your work. Hides can also quickly hide all open Applications, giving you a fresh, clear work space. Configure Hides with global hotkeys, allowing you to effortlessly clear your desktop of all running apps with one quick keystroke, or quickly enable Single App Mode for a distraction-free work environment. Single App Mode is exactly what you think it would be. only one app is in focus at one time on your desktop. Whenever you change to another app, all other apps are hidden from view leaving your entire focus for that one

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Energiza Pro 1.3.3

Energiza Pro

With Energiza, you can increase battery lifetime by taking control of charging. MacBook's batteries wear out when fully charged for a long time. This happens naturally when using your MacBook as a desktop replacement and being plugged in continuously. With Energiza Pro, you can limit charging to the comfort zone and prevent battery wear. Apple does the same with its "Optimised Battery Charging" feature.

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Boom 3D 2.1.1

Boom 3D 2.1.1

Boom - Equalizer for Mac, which really improves the sound.
A new product called Boom 3D, has become "more magical", more exciting and represents 3D surround sound.
If you often experience problems with the volume of sound when watching movies or videos on the Internet, chatting in audio chats, or simply listening to music, Boom is what you need. First of all Boom will suit owners of MacBook and MacBook Air, as the standard acoustics of portable devices leaves much to be desired.

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SiteSucker Pro 5.6.2

SiteSucker Pro 5.6.2

SiteSucker is an Macintosh application that automatically downloads Web sites from the Internet. It does this by asynchronously copying the site's webpages, images, PDFs, style sheets, and other files to your local hard drive, duplicating the site's directory structure. SiteSucker Pro is an enhanced version of SiteSucker that can download embedded videos, including embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos.

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