Xliff Editor 2.12

Xliff Editor 2.12

Xliff Editor - its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection, Fuzzy search, intuitive shortcuts, multiple concurrent file editing and native spell checker. It also has some pretty nice customizations you can use to better suit your workflow.

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FiveNotes 3.0.2

FiveNotes 3

FiveNotes (formerly known as Quick) is a small text editor that you can always access by clicking (or pressing shortcut keys) on its mtatus-bar icon, even if you're working in a full-screen app. If you prefer, it can stay on top of the window so it can be used as a cheat-sheet app. FiveNotes offers exactly 5 notes that can be switched using colourful circles under the text area or by pressing shortcut (Cmd+Shift+[ and Cmd+Shift+] or Cmd+number-of-note).

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FSNotes 6.8.2

FSNotes 6.8.2

FSNotes is a plain-text note manager for macOS, and is modern reinvention of notational velocity (nvALT) on steroids. Our application respects the following open formats: plain/text, Markdown, and RTF, and stores data in the file system. You can view, edit, and copy data in your favourite external editor, and see live results in FSNotes.

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SideNotes 1.4.15

SideNotes 1.4.15

SideNotes keeps you from juggling with windows when searching for notes. The app always appears on top of other windows - you can easily hide it or pull it out from the side of your monitor with one click or with a keyboard shortcut. You can even use just your keyboard to work with your notes. Everything is in its place and you still have place for everything.

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Topaz Video AI 5.2.1

Topaz Video AI

The capabilities of recording equipment and media playback devices increase every year, and with them the demand for higher quality content from viewers. But that can you do about that old 720p video recorded years ago, that is now hopelessly outdated?

One option is to use a video upscaler like Topaz Video AI. It can increase the resolution of low-quality videos, as well as repair various issues, without making the result blurry or stripping away important details. It is designed to be usable by anyone, with an intuitive feature set and helpful presets.

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Artstudio Pro 5.2.2

Artstudio Pro 5.2.2

Introducing Artstudio Pro, the most powerful painting and photo editing app available for both macOS and iOS . The successor to our famous ArtStudio app has been redesigned bringing many new features and improvements taking full advantage of the latest technologies Metal, iCloud Drive, and optimized for 64-bit multi-core processors to achieve the smoothest possible workflow.

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