Scapple 1.5.1

Scapple 1.5.1

Scapple is the software equivalent of how I work out my rough ideas on paper. (If I didn't hate the word "brainstorming" so much, I'd probably call it brainstorming software.) When I'm in the early stages of any project, whether that's a writing project or a software project, I tend to throw a bunch of ideas down on a big piece of paper, spacing out as-yet unrelated ideas, clustering related notes, and drawing connections between them, trying to work out how everything fits together.

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Be Focused Pro - Focus Timer 2.5.0

Be Focused Pro - Focus Timer 2.5.0

Staying on task seems is a real challenge for our screen-bound generation. The Be Focused lets you get things done by breaking up individual tasks among discrete intervals, separated by short breaks. It’s a surprisingly effective way to retain motivation and focus. Create tasks, configure breaks and track your progress throughout the day, week or custom period. Use either your iPhone, iPad or Mac – your devices always stay in sync.

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MarsEdit 5.3.3

MarsEdit 5.3.3

Blogging is a relaxing hobby for some, while, for others, it represents a steady source of income. Regardless of your blog’s role in your life, writing and publishing content using slow, clumsy web interfaces may not be the best solution, especially when a powerful desktop alternative is available.

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FSNotes 6.10.0

FSNotes 6.10.0

FSNotes is a plain-text note manager for macOS, and is modern reinvention of notational velocity (nvALT) on steroids. Our application respects the following open formats: plain/text, Markdown, and RTF, and stores data in the file system. You can view, edit, and copy data in your favourite external editor, and see live results in FSNotes.

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#Gazer 1.2.7

#Gazer 1.2.7

With #Gazer you can quickly and conveniently view your markup-formatted (e.g. Markdown) texts. In addition to many special features to customize the application to your needs, #Gazer also has a Live-Update-feature that automatically updates the view of your document when the file is saved.

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Dropzone 4 Pro 4.80.46

Dropzone 4 Pro 4.80.46

Dropzone makes it faster and easier to copy and move files, open applications and share files with many different services. Dropzone is a unique and amazing app that's like nothing you've ever used before. We've paid fanatical attention to every detail and built an app that looks and feels like an integral part of macOS.

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Keymou 1.2.11

Keymou 1.2.11

Sometimes using the keyboard is just more convenient than a mouse or trackpad: Keymou gives you full control over your mouse pointer via keyboard shortcuts. Keymo gives you full control over your mouse pointer via keyboard shortcuts. Sometimes using the keyboard is just more convenient than a mouse or trackpad.

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Rocket Typist Pro 3.2.2

Rocket Typist Pro 3

Rocket Typist is a modern Mac application, created with simplicity in mind. During a regular day, most of us type the same text over and over again, wasting an enormous amount of time in the process. Why not let your computer do some of that work for you? Once you have collected your snippets, you will never have to type them again.

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