OmniFocus Pro 4.5.2

OmniFocus Pro 4

OmniFocus is a powerful and flexible macOS application that provides a distraction-free environment from within which you can schedule tasks, write notes and clip information from Mail, Messages, Safari and any other third-party apps with ease.

Reliable and easy-to-use project manager and task organizer
Thanks to OmniFocus seamless integration with your operating system, you can summon it every time you need to write down an idea, check your schedule or review one of your projects.

From OmniFocus’s intuitive interface, you can quickly and effortlessly turn a list of actions into a well-though project, re-evaluate your priorities, flag tasks, mark due dates and more.

Once a project is created, you can add sub-projects or parallel projects, define your goals, add deadlines, schedule recurring tasks in well-defined contexts and easily clear your Inbox as you check complete actions.

Create custom perspectives and review your projects
OmniFocus comes with a long list of handy features that you can use to put your plans in perspective and focus on the tasks you need to complete in order to accomplish your goals. Thanks to the Review function, you can have an overview of your projects demands and work your way through your projects.

The color-coded highlighting and marking system prevents oversights and enables you to stay focus on the important tasks. This, combined with the Forecast perspective, makes it easy for you to check your schedule as information is delivered based on your plans and projects.

Quickly synchronize your plans with other computers and mobile devices
What is more, OmniFocus allows you to keep your data synchronized across Macs and iOS devices via the Omni Sync Server. You can also use a compatible WebDAV server to synchronize your data with the desired computers and mobile devices.

The top toolbar helps you sync your data, find entries with just a few keystrokes, clean up, add new actions and hide or show the sidebar from where you can switch from your Inbox, to Projects, Contexts, Forecast, Flagged, Review or any other custom perspective create by you.

What's New:

Version 4.5:


  • OmniFocus 4.5 introduces new and re-written Shortcuts actions, enhanced Spotlight results (with parity on all platforms), in-app tips and guidance for getting the most out of OmniFocus, improvements to Omni Automation, additional appearance and accessibility options for Mac, and a collection of bug fixes.
  • Our new Shortcuts actions have been developed using the latest Apple technologies, with each action having a streamlined focus. This makes it easier to build new shortcuts, with a clearer sequence of actions, while enabling us to take advantage of future Apple releases. We have left legacy Shortcuts actions in place, to ensure that all your current shortcuts will continue working as expected, while exploring new possibilities in automation. This work continues, so please let us know what you think, if you run into any issues, or if you have any suggestions.

All Platforms

  • Genmoji — Added support for Genmoji in the notes field, when supported by the operating system. Please note that syncing notes containing Genmoji to earlier versions of OmniFocus can result in errors; updating to v4.5 on all your devices will provide a more consistent experience.
  • Omni Automation — Added support for new `omnifocus:///project/` URLs. Using Copy as Link will continue to provide `omnifocus:///task/` URLs for projects, to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of OmniFocus; this will change in a future release. See OmniFocus: Release Notes in API Reference for more information.
  • Shortcuts — New and updated Shortcuts actions include Add Action (replaces Legacy: Add Item); Add TaskPaper; Complete Action (new!); Complete Project (new!); Find Actions (replaces Legacy: Find Items); Find Folders (new!); Find Projects; Find Tags; Get Action, Get Folder, Get Perspective, Get Project, and Get Tag (using Copy as Link, and replacing Legacy: Get Database Object Result from Input); Get Actions from Perspective (new!); Open Action, Open Folder, Open Perspective, Open Project, Open Tag (replaces Legacy: Show in OmniFocus); and Today’s Forecast (with added support for due, deferred, tagged, and flagged actions). Find Actions and Find Projects are in beta; please read their descriptions regarding limitations. Previous Shortcuts actions now include Legacy: in the title and summary, along with suggestions for replacement actions.
  • Spotlight — Enhanced Spotlight results are now available on all platforms, and include actions, action groups, projects, folders, tags, default perspectives, and custom perspectives.
  • Tips — Helpful tips and guidance will display, as you use OmniFocus.
  • Shortcuts — App Shortcuts-related crashes have been fixed.


  • Accessibility — Color palette options now include a black background, for increased contrast.
  • Appearance — Added support for custom fonts, along with a list of Omni-selected system font options, and an updated slider which supports a wider range of sizes (from 9 to 42 point). When choosing a custom font, we recommend using a Regular style, which allows OmniFocus to provide the same style-based context (such as action groups being presented in bold) as when using the default fonts.
  • Spotlight — Spotlight results on Mac now match those available on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro.
  • Appearance — Appearance settings pane has been re-written in SwiftUI, to support future cross-platform improvements.
  • Writing Tools — Make Table is restricted for notes on Mac, as the note fields on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro do not support tables.
  • Localization — Corrected several Japanese localizations in the Inspector.


  • Title: OmniFocus Pro 4.5.2
  • Developer: The Omni Group
  • Compatibility: macOS 11.0 or later
  • Language: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
  • Includes: K'ed by TNT
  • Size: 41.71 MB
  • visit official website



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