SideNotes 1.4.16
SideNotes keeps you from juggling with windows when searching for notes. The app always appears on top of other windows - you can easily hide it or pull it out from the side of your monitor with one click or with a keyboard shortcut. You can even use just your keyboard to work with your notes. Everything is in its place and you still have place for everything.
With SideNotes you can:
- smoothly pull out your notes from outside your monitor and easily hide them back
- mark notes with colors and group them into folders
- drag and drop pictures directly from your web browser
- save links, code snippets or even colors
- create task lists and mark items done
- create notes directly from the pasteboard
- drop text files or folders
- use 3 text formatting modes: Markdown, Plain Text and Code.
What's New:
Version 1.4:
New Features:
- Apple Shortcuts support (requires macOS 12)
- New Apple Scripts commands
- Exporting note to image
- Quick look for images and files
- Moving a note to a new folder
- Quickly opening note folder in Search
- Launching website addresses from note in Search window
- An option to disable drop on the screen side
- Options for file importing
- Indentions in lists
- Corrected line spacing in lists
- Updated Showcase folder
- Redesigned Introduction window
Bug Fixes:
- Disabled spell checking and autocorrection in Code mode
- Fixed drag and drop of folders to other apps (e.g. Workspaces)
- Corrected colors of list numbers and bullets
- Corrected Back button menu. Sometimes it was displayed incorrectly
- Disabled dropping note on note
- Text replacements did not work
- Title: SideNotes 1.4.16
- Developer: Apptorium
- Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
- Language: English
- Includes: K'ed by TNT
- Size: 18.46 MB
- visit official website
For full working application -SIP must be off! Do not ReCodesign the application otherwise it will not work anymore!
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