ProFind 1.29

ProFind 1.29

ProFind is advanced file search app for macOS.

With powerful features and great performance, ProFind delivers advanced file search for macOS. And with support for natural language queries, application launching, hidden location searches, scripting and more.

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iNet Network Scanner 3.1.8

iNet Network Scanner

iNet provides you with information about networks your Mac is connected to. Its very easy and user friendly design allows even the unexperienced user to get a profound and understandable overview of a network and the running services. iNet is also available as iPhone and iPad App via the iTunes Store.

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Downie 4.9.7

Downie 4.9.7

A simple download manager that offers you the possibility to quickly save videos from different websites to your own disk drive.

f you are using a poor internet connection, trying to visualize videos streamlined online might not work properly since the content is loaded too slowly. Downie is a simple Mac app that can help you download those videos to your computer, and then watch them by using your default media player.

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Permute 3.12.1

Permute 3.12.1

Video, audio and image files come in many different kinds and shapes, but sometimes you need a specific format since your iPad or DVD player won't play that video. That is what Permute is for - easily convert your media files to various different formats.

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OmniGraffle Pro 7.24.2

OmniGraffle Pro 7.24.2

OmniGraffle Pro helps you draw beautiful diagrams, family trees, flow charts, org charts, layouts, and (mathematically speaking) any other directed or non-directed graphs. We've had people use Graffle to plan plotlines for a story, make an overview of an operating system, show the evolution of computers, and even show how diseases can spread in a closed population. If you want to organize your thoughts, your projects, or even your friends graphically, using boxes and lines, OmniGraffle is your tool.

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Cocktail Sequoia Edition 18.3

Cocktail Sequoia Edition

macOS can be tweaked and optimized in various ways, but these options are often difficult to access or just not available without a third-party app.

Cocktail is a versatile utility for cleaning, tweaking, repairing, and optimizing macOS. It lets you manage everything from disks, system settings, files, the network, and the user interface. It also comes with an optional mode that runs multiple maintenance tasks automatically on a certain schedule.

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Modern CSV 2.2

Modern CSV

When it comes to editing CSV documents, most individuals look for a highly professional tool to help them do just about anything they wish or actually need to do. Modern CSV is exactly this type of tool. It offers a great array of options and features and at the same time is fast and easy to use. With this in mind, there is a whole list of things that this little program does right when it comes to CSV documents.

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Tor Browser 14.0.7

Tor Browser 13

The Tor Browser Bundle is an easy-to-use portable package of Tor, Vidalia, Torbutton, and a Firefox fork preconfigured to work together out of the box. It contains a modified copy of Firefox that aims to resolve the privacy and security issues in mainline version.

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Pearcleaner 4.3.0


If you install and uninstall lots of apps, you’re going to need some way to get rid of the files they leave behind. Most apps create additional files outside of the Applications folder, and these are not normally removed when sending the app to the Trash.

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Nova 12.4

Nova 12.4

Can a native Mac code editor really be that much better? Find out.

The Editor.
It all starts with our first-class text-editor.
It's new, hyper-fast, and flexible, with all the features you want: smart autocomplete, multiple cursors, a Minimap, editor overscroll, tag pairs and brackets, and way, way more.

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