Final Draft 13.1.0

Final Draft 13

Write movie and TV scripts, stage plays, and new media with Final Draft – the number-one selling entertainment industry-standard application that combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting. There is no need to learn about script formatting rules – Final Draft automatically formats your script to industry standards as you write.

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Principle 6.35

Principle 6.35

Animate Your Ideas, Design Better Apps 

Principle makes it easy to create animated and interactive user interface designs. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle lets you create designs that look and feel amazing.

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DSync 2.7

DSync 2.7

DSync allows you to easily compare and synchronize two folders on your computer.

Three steps is all it takes for DSync to synchronize your files. Select the folders, compare them, synchronize them.
Can it really be that easy? Sure it can.

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Micromat Drive Scope 1.2.23

Drive Scope

Hard drives (and solid state drives) are the most failure prone components in your Mac. For that very reason, in fact, drive manufacturers have built in self monitoring, analysis and reporting technology right into the drive. (a.k.a. SMART) Most utilities barely scratch the surface of this information, simply reporting the bare essentials: pass or fail. Too often, once the overall failure has occurred, there isn't enough time to get important data from the drive. With Drive Scope you can see into the health of most any drive connected to your Mac.

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