Script Debugger 8.0.7

Script Debugger 8.0.7

Script Debugger provides everything you need to quickly and easily author AppleScripts that work. No other scripting tool can match Script Debugger's capabilities for creating, editing and debugging AppleScripts. Its sophisticated Dictionary browser provides far more information than any other tool can and eliminates guesswork and needless experimentation. Simply put, Script Debugger makes AppleScript easy.

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iStat Menus 6.73 (1239)

iStat Menus 6.73 (1239)

iStat Menus lets you monitor your system right from the menubar. Included are 8 menu extras that let you monitor every aspect of your system. iStat Menus 6 sports a completely new design — new menubar icons, new dropdown menus, and the app and icon itself have all been redesigned to be cleaner, clearer and more at home on Yosemite. Menubar graphs can now use dark backgrounds, improving legibility.

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