iPartition 3.4.5

iPartition 3.4.5

iPartition’s intelligent partitioning algorithm makes it easy to repartition your Mac OS X or PC disks — just select a partition and drag the slider to resize it, with no need to tediously shuffle partitions around yourself to get the disk the way you want.
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SSH Proxy 15.07

SSH Proxy 15.07

SSH Proxy can help you turn any remote SSH server into a SOCKS v5 proxy, intuitive and easy to use.
SSH Proxy is able to remember the SSH login password & private key passphrase and save it to OS X's keychain. Furthermore, SSH Proxy is designed to automatically reconnect when your Mac is waking up from sleep.
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SoundBunny 1.1.2

SoundBunny 1.1.2

SoundBunny is a simple Mac volume control application that allows you to control the volume level for all open applications on your Mac. You can set the volume high for a movie or game you’re playing, while setting the volume low for your alerts or notifications.
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AppBolish 1.0.4

AppBolish 1.0.4

AppBolish is the ultimate solution for correctly uninstalling apps, plugins, widgets, and screen savers! Dragging these to the Trash can leave numerous caches, logs, and support files littered all over the hard drive. This clogs up valuable disk space!
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MailBar 1.2.5

MailBar 1.2.5

MailBar enables you to check your inbox and manage your emails directly from your Mac's status bar.

The light and discreet application is designed to run in the background and display the number of new emails next to its menu bar icon. Thanks to MailBar, you can monitor and manage up to four different mailboxes. From MailBar's status bar menu you can easily view all existing emails or filter the list by showing only the unread messages. On top of that, MailBar comes with a powerful built-in search form that enables you to narrow down the list of displayed emails.
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MacFort 4.9.8

MacFort 4.9.8

MacFort is an innovative utility to encrypt and password-protect individual applications data files on Mac. With just two clicks, MacFort lets you password-protect several built-in confidential files, e.g., Apple Mail, iPhoto Library, Browser history, Contacts, chat history, or any individual files and folders you want to protected from prying eyes.
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PhotoReviewer 2.2.2

PhotoReviewer 2.2.2

PhotoReviewer is an image handling utility for people who juggle a lot of photos. If you have a digital camera, it's not uncommon to have hundreds or even thousands of images coming into your "inbox". You need to rename them, toss the bad ones, sort the good ones, email thumbnails to friends... you need an app that can help you with your photo workflow.
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Yosemite Cache Cleaner 9.0.7

Yosemite Cache Cleaner 9.0.7

Yosemite Cache Cleaner is an award winning general purpose tool for Mac OS X. YCC makes system maintenance simple with an easy point and click interface to many OS X functions. Novice and expert users alike will appreciate the powerful toolset YCC provides. Yosemite Cache Cleaner is one of the world's leading maintenance tools with millions of downloads around the globe.
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JPEGmini 1.9

JPEGmini 1.9

Put your photos on a diet with JPEGmini! JPEGmini reduces the file size of your photos by up to 5X, while keeping their original resolution, quality and JPEG format. With JPEGmini you can optimize all your photos to free up valuable hard drive space, and share full-resolution photos with your friends much faster.
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