Leap 4.0.7

Leap 4.0.7

Leap is a combination Spotlight, Bridge, Finder, and more. The Finder on macOOS is slow, cumbersome, and limited. The Finder search interface is very cumbersome. Leap shows you all your files and more importantly - where they are on your computer. No other tool does this. Works great for images and PDF's, too. Leap does not force you to put documents in a special place, it uses no databases. Just see whats on your hard drive.

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Stage View 1.2

Stage View 1.2

Stage Manager is a pretty cool window management feature added in macOS Ventura, but it does take some getting used to, and it still needs some tweaks. One particular issue is the fact that it can be difficult to tell what’s in a window group, as the tiny preview on the left quickly becomes cluttered.

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nuTXT 3.17

nuTXT 3.17

nuTXT is a tiny but useful utility app that enables you to create a new .txt file on your desktop, a feature which you are used to. In addition, it even lets you create a .txt file containing the text you have previously copied to the clipboard. A very simple way to confirm with yourself that you really have a hard copy of something.

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