Word Counter Pro 3.2
Word Counter Pro is a simple and powerful application for writers. With Word Counter Pro you can view statistics of your writing such as Word count, Character count, Sentence count, Line count, Paragraph count, and more.
Word Counter Pro is a simple and powerful application for writers. With Word Counter Pro you can view statistics of your writing such as Word count, Character count, Sentence count, Line count, Paragraph count, and more.
CRAX Commander is dual-pane file manager with approachable user interface. It is integrated with Subversion and it has built-in FTP/FTPS, SFTP/SSH,WebDAV,SMB,AFP client functionality. CRAX Commander provides many of functionalities you need to quickly and effectively access and manage your local and remote files.
Time Tracking Pro is an indispensable app for anyone who needs to keep track of the time taken to complete each type of task. Time Tracking Pro tracks your work time and helps you take the right breaks. If you need to track the time it takes to complete a task, this is the right app.
Pop up a window to display character, word, and line counts whenever and wherever you are copying.
Stop motion and time-lapse movies are commonplace nowadays, and dozens of cool new ones are pumped out every day, attracting thousands of views. Want your stop motion video to be awesome, but just can't seem to make anything better than clumsy wannabe? This app is for you!
With batchCONVERTER, all the pictures in a folder of a certain format can be batch converted and copied to another folder. Ten more formats are now supported and ready for you to use, including icons (.icns) and even PDFs!
Secret Folder is very useful to keep your information away from prying eyes, it conceal folders and files on your Mac with a click, it provides you with an easy and fast way to hide personal folders and documents. Hide files and folders from the prying eyes of other people using your Mac.
The super right-click is the most powerful right-click menu tool on the Mac. It has rich functions to make your right-click menu even more powerful. The deeply rooted interactive design helps you greatly enhance the macOS experience!
Parallels Desktop 18 is one of the oldest and most popular applications for virtualization on macOS. There are quite a few options out there for Mac users who want to run other operating systems on their Apple devices, but none are quite as intuitive and novice-friendly as Parallels.
With File Viewer for Dummies can you view almost all types of files with waterfall layout just in a SINGLE app, including images, videos, gifs, pdf, Microsoft word/excel, iWorks pages/numbers and etc. Easily transfer files between phones/pads/PCs and Macs.
Upgrade your favorite search engine with page previews, favicons and PageRanks!
"Search Result Previews" shows you page previews (thumbnails), favicons and PageRanks next to each search result.
OpenIn.app is an advanced utility that allows you open links, emails, and files in the application of your choice. Just click it, and select the application from the list. This is the easiest way to organize your workflow.
PrintLab Studio is a lightweight and easy to use vector drawing illustration application for macOS.
PrintLab Studio has tools you need to create basic shapes. Create designs quickly and easily change styles.
MakeItHome helps you feel your workspace as if it were your home, giving you rapid access to your most used applications accessing over the bounds of your screen with your mouse.
Super-AI Photo Enlarger intelligently enlarges and upscales images quality by up to 800% using smart AI image enhancement technology to fix pixelated, blurry, and low-quality photos instantly. Super-AI Photo Enlarger was trained by the AI neural network with tens of thousands high-resolution photos.