OptimUSB 7.2

OptimUSB 7.2

OptimUSB is an application that keeps your USB and memory cards optimized. You just need to run OptimUSB before ejecting your USB drive. Any Mac or Windows temporary files get deleted (.DS_Store, .Trashes, .Spotlight-V100, Thumbs.db, etc.). OptimUSB then automatically ejects your drive. Now, your USB drive is clean, optimized and ready to be removed safely.
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Baby Workout Pro 1.1

Baby Workout Pro 1.1

Want to stay fit during your pregnancy or regain your previous weight and shape, together with your baby? - then you're right here with this innovative app. Just follow your personal instructor along real-time video workouts embedded in specifically designed programs. The programs begin from short to medium length and are designed in a way that you can easily exercise whenever you are ready - at home. And, of course, your baby stays with you all the time if you want.
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