VirtualBox 7.1.6


Oracle VM VirtualBox is an open source and cross-platform virtualization utility that makes it possible to extend your computer's capabilities so that it can be used to run a large number of operating systems (inside multiple virtual machines), using the same hardware you use for your daily tasks.

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TinkerTool System 8.98

TinkerTool System 8.98

TinkerTool System is a collection of system utility features helping you in performing advanced administration tasks on Apple Macintosh computers. The application makes use of a self-adapting user interface which automatically adjusts to the computer model and to the version of macOS you are running. All options available in the current situation are accessible via “panes”, very similar to the techniques you already know from the System Preferences application. The features are controlled via a single window which allows you to use the application as a general toolbox and First Aid assistant.

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Magic Battery 8.1.6

Magic Battery 8

Magic Battery supports all Apple input and audio devices. Battery information will be shown in the menu bar and the main window.
The App Magic Battery shows the battery level of supported input devices and headphones that are connected via Bluetooth in the menu bar. Internal batteries are also supported.

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Data Guardian 7.7.2

Data Guardian 7.7.2

Data Guardian is a secure database application. Security and privacy are two of the most important issues in today's world; leaving passwords on sticky notes around your computer simply will not cut it anymore. Data Guardian is a secure database application with up to 448-bits of Blowfish encryption - regardless of how sensitive your data is. Create multiple databases in Data Guardian for a variety of purposes such as an address book, customer database, christmas shopping list, journal, password manager, or even notepad.

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Integrity Pro 12.10.2

Integrity Pro 12.10.2

Integrity Pro builds on Integrity Plus. It has the new v10 crawling engine, it checks links and generates a sitemap with all the searching, filtering and exporting functionality of the Plus version. It adds SEO details and a sitewide spellcheck. It isn't intended to replace Scrutiny, but to be pitched between Integrity Plus and Scrutiny, a more affordable step for Integrity Plus users.

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BlueHarvest 8.4.0

BlueHarvest 8.4.0

BlueHarvest is an exterminator for your Mac’s unnecessary Desktop Service Store (DS_Store) and resource fork (_AppleDouble) files.

Whether you manage a version control system or just want to maximize your available memory, DS_Store and _AppleDouble files are a nuisance. Get BlueHarvest, and give those superfluous files the boot.

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DaisyDisk 4.31

DaisyDisk 4.31

DaisyDisk allows you to visualize your disk usage and free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big unused files.

The program scans your disk and displays its content as a sector diagram where the biggest files and folders at once become obvious. To drill down to a folder, just click on a segment. To bubble up, click in the center. Move the mouse over the diagram and see the name and path of each file, and enclosed files (if any). Hit Space to quickly preview file content, without launching another application. In this way, walk around your disk and drag-and-drop all unneeded files into the "collector". Expand the collector to check its contents. When done, clean it up with a single click.

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Cisdem AppCrypt 7.9.1

Cisdem AppCrypt 7.9.1

Cisdem AppCrypt is designed for protecting your apps and block websites to make sure you are the only master. It is quite easy to use. Just simply setting a password and adding the apps and websites to the lock list and no one is able to access your protected apps and websites without the correct password. You will never worry about prying eyes when you share your Mac with others. You can also prevent your children from apps at improper time by setting specific time periods of encryption. What’s more, it keeps track of failed attempts and provides reporting on app name, date, time, operation and snapshot took by front camera.

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CleanMyMac 5.0.4 fix


CleanMyMac X is an user friendly Mac app that comes with a stylish design and helps you detect the junk files, but also user and system cache / log files, broken preferences or login items, apps that have universal binaries (you can remove the executable that is not suitable for your architecture), language files (you can keep only the one you actually employ).

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Pacifist 4.1.3


Pacifist opens up .pkg installer packages, .dmg disk images, .zip, .tar. tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .pax, and .xar archives and more, and lets you extract or install individual files out of them. This is useful if you need to install just one file out of a package instead of the entire package (for example, if you deleted your Preview application and need to reinstall it, but not the whole operating system), or if you want to inspect a downloaded package to see what it will do before installing it. Pacifist can also load some archive types over HTTP, in case you want to extract just a single file from a large .zip archive without waiting for the entire archive to download. Finally, Pacifist can examine the kernel extensions installed in your system to let you see what installer installed them, and whether the installer was made by Apple or a third-party.

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