Aeon Timeline 2.3.16

Aeon Timeline 2.3.16
Aeon Timeline is the timeline tool for creative and analytical thinking.

Most traditional timeline applications are designed to suit a single need: to create an attractive display of one-dimensional time. They are presentational, static, and perfectly suited to overhead slides and projectors.
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Process Monitor Pro 1.1

Process Monitor Pro 1.1

Process Monitor segregates the processes running to show for which app the process is running. If the processes are unidentified, they will be marked as blank; if they are identified and description is available, it indicated in green. Also track down where apps are located on your computer. Get all details of apps running in the foreground and background from the menu bar.
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FileSalvage 9.2 (3.0)

FileSalvage 9.2 (3.0)

Use FileSalvage to recover your deleted files, music libraries, iPhoto collections, and to rescue data that has been lost. FileSalvage is device and file system independent, letting you recover files from Mac hard drives, USB keys, PC disks, Linux disks, FAT32 disks, FLASH cards, digital cameras, and nearly any other media or file system that can be recognized on a Mac.
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GitFTP-Deploy 2.7.1

GitFTP-Deploy 2.7.1

GitFTP-Deploy provides dead-simple FTP deployments for your smaller projects. While working with smaller sites you sometimes need a convenient way of deploying to a shared host where you don’t have access to SSH. The site is maybe a presentation for a company and does not receive regular updates.
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Mac Data Recovery Guru 5.0

Mac Data Recovery Guru 5.0

Mac Data Recovery Guru is the most modern, the most technologically advanced, and the easiest to use Mac data recovery software available. We would not state that if we could not back it up. But back it up we can, and instantly and risk free. Download the Free Demo to be able to quickly see it in action for yourself. This shows you previews of your personally deleted files, proving its effectiveness.
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Enigma Recovery 2.6.0

Enigma Recovery 2.6.0

Enigma Recovery is designed to instantly recover deleted data from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, including SMS text messages, Contacts, Calendar, and Notes. Data can also be recovered from an iTunes backup file if your device has been lost or stolen. Additionally the scan retrieves deleted photos contained in the iOS 'recently deleted' folder.
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Endurance Antivirus 3.0 (3.0.1)

Endurance Antivirus 3.0 (3.0.1)

Endurance Antivirus - scans all your files and folders from your system thoroughly. Its scanning engine has passed all the EICAR test files and detects over 4 millions malware in your system. With the advancement of technology and internet era, it is very likely that the system can get affected very fast leading to corruption of your hardware. The virus can attack your system in any form which makes it necessary to keep all your files safe and uncorrupted. Endurance Antivirus app has a very intuitive user interface with great performance. The app quickly makes a thorough scan to all the files in your system. The upcoming releases also focuses on new look with more usability options along with features to detect new viruses.
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Pingey 1.0.0

Pingey 1.0.0

Pingey is the simplest way to monitor your websites. It sits in the menu bar, always one click away. Click on its icon to see status of all your websites or add separate menu bar items for your most important ones to make them glanceable.
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BlueSense 1.3.1

BlueSense 1.3.1

BlueSense analyzes the signal of your Bluetooth device and executes any desired actions when you move away or come back into proximity of your Mac. Decide what BlueSense has to do when your device is detected or when you are far from your Mac, and even when you are away for a long time. BlueSense triggers custom scripts when your Bluetooth device is detected, far-away or not detected for a long period.
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