Trash Without 1.4.1

Trash Without 1.4.1

The "Trash Without" allows you delete files (also a group of files/folders) without using the Trash on your hard disk, USB, memory card.
Are you tired of cleaning the Trash of a single large file that you don't exactly need?
Do you need to free up disk space urgently, but you have the files in the Trash, which may not have been deleted?
The "Trash Without" is the fastest and easiest way to delete files/folders without using the Trash.
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FileWard 1.5.4

FileWard 1.5.4

FileWard is a handy tool designed to bring high strength data encryption to Macintosh users. FileWard uses the cryptography libraries of OpenSSL to make six industrial strength encryption ciphers available in an easy to use drag and drop application.
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Coolmuster iOS Assistant 1.0.93

Coolmuster iOS Assistant 1.0.93

Coolmuster iOS Assistant is an ideal iOS devices manage. It can do what iTunes can't! Coolmuster iOS Assistant enables all Mac users to transfer contacts, SMS, notes, calendar, photos, videos and more from iPhone, iPad, iPod touch to Mac, and vice versa, view and search files easily, and even manage all content on your iOS devices with simple clicks.
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Roadblock 1.5.8

Roadblock 1.5.8

Control your web browsing experience with Roadblock, a powerful content blocker for Safari on macOS and iOS. Roadblock blocks annoying and unwanted content, protects your privacy and security, improves webpage load time, and reduces browsing data usage.
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Tap 1.5.11

Tap 1.5.11

Tapis unique, interesting unlock utility. You can unlock your Mac using multi-touch and drawing simple gestures on Trackpad or Magic Trackpad. The number of finger becomes a character of password. Also you can draw gesture and it also becomes a character of password. One gesture = A character of password. The number of fingers = A character of password. So you can make your own unique password with multi-touch and gesture.
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