Mouse Hider 3.5.1
The unique App for hide the cursor on the Mac App Store, but the best app in absolute! With the Best price.
The unique App for hide the cursor on the Mac App Store, but the best app in absolute! With the Best price.
Infinity Monitor provides a shortcut for the mouse cursor thus it makes it faster for the cursor to move throughout the monitor. Once reached the edge of the screen Infinity Monitor allows the mouse cursor to get back from the opposite side of the monitor, so you don’t have to move all the way back.
ForkLift is a powerful file manager and ferociously fast FTP client clothed in a clean and versatile UI that offers the combination of absolute simplicity and raw power expected from a well-executed Mac software.
Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders. By using simple, powerful commands you can focus on the differences you're interested in and ignore the rest. You can then merge the changes, synchronize your files, and generate reports for your records. You can compare entire drives and folders at high speed, checking just sizes and modified times, or thoroughly verify every file with byte-by-byte comparisons. Once you've found specific files you're interested in, Beyond Compare can intelligently pick the best way to compare and display them.
A menu bar application that watches a designated directory, such as your downloads folder, automatically recording and storing the checksum/digest values of arriving files. A simple context click displays the checksum value, another click conveniently copies that value to the clipboard. The checksum/digest algorithm used is selectable, supporting MD5, SHA1, and various others. Uses hardware accelerated cryptographic functions on supported macOS platforms. Optionally generates audible notifications to keep you informed.
Wattagio informs you about current battery health and helps to decrease power usage. Flexible settings in application give options to customize your profile to meet your needs.
DVDFab DVD Copy for Mac is powerful and flexible mac DVD copy software works on Mac OS. As one of the best Mac DVD copy software, it enables you to copy DVD on Mac with one or two mouse clicks and customize the output with its many flexible settings.
Radically simpler & faster window switcher
Switch between application windows effortlessly — with Fast Search, a better Command-Tab, a Sidebar or even a quick gesture. Includes fantastic features for multiple spaces & multiple displays.
FruitJuice helps you achieve the longest runtime and lifespan from your Apple notebook battery.
FruitJuice will let you know how long to stay "on battery" each day to keep your battery healthy based on Apple's recommendations. *
New File Menu allows you to create new files quickly via the Finder context menu.
New File Menu is simply the coolest way to create a new file on the macOS platform, you can right click in any Finder window to create a new file! You can even right click on the desktop to create your files!
We've all been there, placing our hands on MacBook's keyboard and unintentionally touching the Touch Bar. This may be very annoying, not to say destructive.
DMG Master is a simple and optimizedmacOS app to create standard DMG Disk Image Archive recognized by any Mac, with just one click. Disk Images Archive (DMG) is the preferred and standard way on the Mac to create archives to exchange group of files compacted in a single file from one user to another, is also the preferred way to distribute application. Disk Image Archives can also be compacted and password protected with a strong algorithm for protection of contained data. The strong side of Disk Images Archive is that any users on any Mac is able to open and read it without any additional software because any Mac has already all the tools to manage it.
NeoFinder (formerly CDFinder) rapidly organizes your data, either on external or internal disks, or any other volumes. It catalogs all your data, so you stay in control of your data archive or disk library. With extensive metadata support, you can find your files quickly.
Different passwords for all your accounts using one graphical patterns for you to remember, with nothing stored that can be lost or stolen.
DotPass is an app for generating and retrieving passwords. You enter a graphical pattern in a dot grid and a plain text seed word (like "facebook", "work email" or whatever makes sense to you), and the app then generates a password based on this unique combination.
Monterey Cache Cleaner is a widely-popular system maintenance application created to provide you with a fast and user-friendly user interface, designed to make it very quick and easy to access the most important macOS functions.