SwitchGlass 1.4.6

SwitchGlass 1.4.6

SwitchGlass adds a dedicated application switcher to your Mac. You can customize its appearance, size, and position on each attached display, including hiding it on selected displays. Use it to bring one or all of an app’s windows to the front, or as a drag-and-drop target to open files.
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ExLibris 10.1.0

ExLibris 10.1.0

Provides you with a user-friendly and organized environment for quickly storing and managing details about your books collection Designed to help you keep track of your books collection, ExLibris (formerly known as Ex-Libris) is a fairly intuitive Mac app that is able to store details about each manuscript and allows you to perform basic searches.
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Todoey 2.0.6d

Todoey 2.0.6d

Todoey is the simplest way to remember things. It sits in your menubar so it is always just one click away. It blends perfectly into your macOS desktop in both dark and light theme. It also syncs using iCloud so you will be always backed up and up to date on all your Macs.
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Nice Timer 3.2.0d

Nice Timer 3.2.0d

The next generation of the only app that you really need if you need… a timer! You can use it to add to your desktop as many beautiful timers and stopwatches as you want. The display dynamicaly adjusts when you resize it so it can be in any size and rectangular shape you need.
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Touch Forms Pro 7.40.3

Touch Forms Pro 7.40.3

Touch Forms Pro is a simple-to-use web form builder. It's full-featured, standalone software, purchasable via a one-time payment with no monthly subscription fees! Touch Forms allows you to build beautiful web forms with an intuitive drag-and-drop designer, publish to your own web host through FTP. The Pro Edition provides all-new advanced multi-form management interface and tons of new features, including new form SMTP delivery authentication settings, support for table grids, more text field input styling options, hover colors, and more!
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Calendarique 4.1

Calendarique 4.1

Calendar widget for Notification Center and Menu Bar.

Simply slide out notification center to get an overview of any month. Colored marks for each category of events and reminders are right there in the monthly view. No need to select specific date to see whether business or family events are scheduled or if it's just a holiday
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