myTracks 4.4.2
myTracks is the swiss-army knife for organizing your GPS tracks. They can be loaded from a broad range of devices and organized in a library comfortably.
myTracks is the swiss-army knife for organizing your GPS tracks. They can be loaded from a broad range of devices and organized in a library comfortably.
PhotoSweeper helps quickly and efficiently eliminate similar or duplicate photos. It works with photos from iPhoto, Aperture and Adobe Lightroom libraries as well as photos from your Mac.
Super PhotoCut Pro professionally focuses on wedding dresses and transparent object masking. It instantly cut out wedding dresses from complex image backgrounds without any loss of image quality in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours. Removing image background from wedding veil and transparent object is a complex and difficult matting task even on the premise that you are proficient in Photoshop. Now it could be easily done by Super PhotoCut Pro, which professionally focuses on veil and transparency masking. With proprietary best-in-class masking algorithm, Super PhotoCut Pro instantly changes complex image background and get the dramatic stand-out images done in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours.
PhotoMill helps you convert a bulk of images into the most popular image formats, give your files meaningful names, watermark with text and image, adjust photos (brightness/saturation/exposure/grayscale/etc.), fit geometry (scale/crop/trim/etc.), remove private metadata, add your own copyrights etc. Also, PhotoMill is a great batch metadata editor, renamer and photo browser.