ScrollStickies 3.28

ScrollStickies 3.28

A sticker/post it app with a teleprompter-like text scrolling mode!

Leave as many colorful, resizable stickies on your desktop with reminders, notes, clippings as you want.
Contents are automatically saved with backups and can be restored at startup.
Includes a very useful teleprompter mode that allows single line scrolling text.
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All Audio-Recorder 2.0.5

All Audio-Recorder 2.0.5

Want to listen to your favorite songs, radio programs and audio from video anytime and without needing an internet connection? Just record these streaming audios with the professional Mac audio recorder. Audio-Recorder is the best ever Mac version All Audio-Recorder, which empowers you the ability to record any online music and radio programs with 1:1 quality in a single click.
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Help Crafter 2.0.4

Help Crafter 2.0.4

Help Crafter is an essential tool for the Mac developer for authoring help content.

Help crafter's full featured word processor includes support for tables, lists, resizable images and more. Style based editing allows you to maintain a consistent look across pages, and make global changes easily.
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Autodesk VRED Pro 2018.1

Autodesk VRED Pro 2018.1

VRED Professional 3D visualization software helps ensure that design components match, that materials show their expected characteristics, and that a model is designed to be functional. These software tools allow for fast and efficient workflows in different phases of product development, as well as in virtual prototyping.
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Daily 1.9.0

Daily 1.9.0

Looking for an easy way to get insights in your daily activities? Meet Daily, world's most convenient time tracking companion for professionals, loved by many due its simplicity. It works by asking what you're doing in a discrete manner.
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