Deckset 2.0.38
Deckset is a new, simple way to create presentations. Open your favorite text editor, write down your thoughts, and Deckset will turn them into beautiful presentations. Focus on your ideas, not on designing slides.
Deckset is a new, simple way to create presentations. Open your favorite text editor, write down your thoughts, and Deckset will turn them into beautiful presentations. Focus on your ideas, not on designing slides.
Cookie prevents third parties from hijacking your browsing experience. The sites you visit store "cookies" in your browser without your knowledge or consent. Some are helpful, but others are frustrating and invasive. Cookie can help.
Jump Desktop is a remote desktop application that lets you securely connect to any computer in the world. Compatible with both RDP and VNC, Jump Desktop is secure, reliable, and very easy to set up.
Slide out Notification Center to quickly see key performance data for your Mac, such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and Battery. Click the charts to drill down and reveal more details. Click the Network and Disk Icons to view even more data.
PDF Reader Pro is a PDF editing application that has a wide variety of tools. Building on solid features such as annotation, form filling and bookmarking, OCR, PDF Reader Pro allows you to maneuver through your PDF files.
Scapple is the software equivalent of how I work out my rough ideas on paper. (If I didn't hate the word "brainstorming" so much, I'd probably call it brainstorming software.) When I'm in the early stages of any project, whether that's a writing project or a software project, I tend to throw a bunch of ideas down on a big piece of paper, spacing out as-yet unrelated ideas, clustering related notes, and drawing connections between them, trying to work out how everything fits together.
An iPad style slide over window for your web apps. No more hassle of window switching. Unlike other similar apps, there is no limit on what can be placed on Slidepad. You can type any keywords, URLs like what you do in common browsers!
Your very own secure file sharing tool! Dropshare is a so-called menulet that enables you to easily drag&drop files, folders and anything else to your own server, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files or Google Drive. Once uploaded, the app copies the link to the file to your Mac's clipboard and you're ready to share with anyone you like!