WhatSize 6.6.3

WhatSize 6.6.3

WhatSize allows you to quickly measure the size in bytes of a given folder and all subfolders and files within it. You would be surprised at how many useless files might be laying around on your hard disks. The files and folders are automatically sorted by size, with the biggest sizes first. WhatSize helps find out what files are taking up all of that space. Then it makes it really easy to remove or move those files. You'd be surprised how many useless files are lying around on your Mac's hard disk.
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Image Viewer 2.1

Image Viewer 2.1

Image Viewer is a simple and fast way to view images and photos. Quickly view all images for an entire folder and subfolders. View in windowed or full screen modes and enjoy full screen slide shows. Users can navigate using mouse, trackpad, and keyboard.
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Myriad 4.2.1

Myriad 4.2.1

Myriad is, simply put, one of the best audio batch processors. Totally redesigned, it looks beautiful and delivers incredible performance. Let Myriad do the heavy lifting while you get back to doing what you do best: creating great sounds and music.
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Split Screen 3.12

Split Screen 3.12

Super Simple Window Management.

Split Screen allows you to effortlessly resize windows to exactly half your desktop at the touch of a simple keystroke. Gone are the days of trying to resize windows to fit nicely next to each other, with Split Screen it is as easy as pressing a button.
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F-Bar 2.0.1

F-Bar 2.0.1

F-Bar lets you manage your Laravel Forge servers from your menu bar.

Speed up your workflow
Reboot the server or services like MySQL and Nginx. Launch and open a SSH-connection with Terminal or iTerm directly from your Mac’s menubar. Short cuts to your sites.
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Path Finder 7.6.2

Path Finder 7.6.2

Organization is key, and Path Finder offers the tools you need to access, browse, and manage all of your files quickly on OS X. Packed with a plethora of powerful features, Path Finder allows you to take complete control of your documents, photos, videos, music, and so much more. Say goodbye to the days of weak file management. With Path Finder 7, it’s your files, your way.
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