Comic Life 3.5.24

Comic Life 3.5.24

Comic Life is the highly acclaimed, fun, easy, and powerful application that expands what you can do with your digital photos. With page and panel layouts, streamlined image selection, cropping and placement of authentic speech balloons, customizable captions, and special effects lettering, Comic Life 3 gives you numerous ways to explore your creativity. Liven up holiday snaps, tell a story, even create how-to guides!

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Mirror Magnet 1.3

Mirror Magnet 1.3

Mirror Magnet puts a live camera image on your desktop that stays on top of everything else.

The app lives in your menu bar. And it’s smart! The video fades out and blurs when you hover it with your mouse cursor, so it never gets in your way. Customize its appearance (shape, border, aspect ratio) and improve your look through fine-grained video adjustments.

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Super PhotoCut Pro 2.8.8

Super PhotoCut Pro 2.8.8

Super PhotoCut Pro professionally focuses on wedding dresses and transparent object masking. It instantly cut out wedding dresses from complex image backgrounds without any loss of image quality in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours. Removing image background from wedding veil and transparent object is a complex and difficult matting task even on the premise that you are proficient in Photoshop. Now it could be easily done by Super PhotoCut Pro, which professionally focuses on veil and transparency masking. With proprietary best-in-class masking algorithm, Super PhotoCut Pro instantly changes complex image background and get the dramatic stand-out images done in seconds-to-minutes instead of minutes-to-hours.

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