Vicomsoft FTP Client 5.5

This major new release of our immensely popular file transfer app for Mac OS X is packed with new and exciting features, and fits right into the heart of OS X with full Retina display support, Full Screen mode, localisation in 11 different languages and a significantly enhanced user interface...
Key Features:
- Speed & Performance
- 19 Years of Mac FTP
- Reliability
- Ease of Use
- OS X Savvy
Speed & Performance - to the next level
Topping the highs achieved in the past was hard : every aspect of operation has been optimised to provide the fastest completion times yet, employing specialist techniques to maximize throughput and reduce latency, while utilising the smallest levels of CPU and memory resources.
Beautiful Retina User Interface
Every detail of the UI has been carefully honed for ease of use and updated to the latest hi-definition Retina-display resolution. Featuring new icons and toolbars throughout, with a tasteful use of OS X animations, the elegant design follows Apple's philosophy of power in simplicity.
Full protocol set - FTP + FTPS + SFTP
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) the most widely used Internet file transfer protocol, FTPS (FTP over an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection, and SFTP - FTP over an SSH (Secure Shell) connection, are implemented to their fullest extent of their specifications, allowing for the best functionality available (eg set user/group, create symlink, zip/unzip), and fastest speed of operation - not just transfers... everything is fast and responsive.
Super-fast Transfers
Vicomsoft FTP Client continues to stay at the forefront of file transfer speed with the version 5.5 release which features a built-in 'turbo' mode which automatically maintains several simultaneous connections to the server to maximise the use of available bandwidth and reduce latency.
Automatic Reconnect & Resume
The fully automatic reconnect and resume feature ensures FTP Client will always complete the task, whatever happens, by reconnecting and continuing broken transfers without any user interaction until the job is done. While other apps simply display an error message, FTP Client takes appropriate action based on the actual message itself, which means you don't have to baby-sit your transfers : let the app do the work for you.
Bookmarking Done Right
An all new Bookmarks manager allows you organize your Bookmarks into folders, create, edit, rename, delete and duplicate them - you can even import Favorites/Bookmarks from most major Mac FTP apps. And once set you can automatically sync your FTP settings to all the Macs you use with the built-in Dropbox support.
Remote Editing & File Diff
A new built-in text editor allows quick edits of local and remote files without even leaving FTP Client, and for serious text crunching, seamless integration with a wide range of popular text editors including built-in support for BBEdit, TextWrangler, TextMate, skEdit, and many more, allows live remote editing of your website with your favorite editor. New in version 5.5 is the ability to compare local and remote files with your favorite 'diff' utility app, such as Araxis Merge, Changes, FileMerge, DeltaWalker or Kaleidoscope, and display the differences.
Comprehensive File & Directory Synchronisation
Version 5.5 has all angles file and directory synchronisation covered : two way Mirroring, one way updating (Mac to Server or Server to Mac), scheduling of syncs to start at a later time or repeat daily, filtering rules to exclude/include items with a variety of criteria, or specifically exclude selected items. There's even a preview mode to see what the outcome of a sync would be.
FTP Droplets
The quickest, easiest and downright coolest way to upload files and folders! An FTP Droplet can have files and/or folders dropped onto it in the Finder to upload those items using a predefined bookmark and destination directory. Creating an FTP Droplet is as easy as navigating to the upload directory you require and then choosing 'Save As FTP Droplet'. It's that simple!
What's New in Vicomsoft FTP Client 5.5:
FTP Client 5.5 brings a host of new and enhanced functionality... and is OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) ready!
- Much faster multi-file transfers implementation
- Comprehensive logging capability
- Queue views for better management of schedules & transfers
- Built-in Preview viewer for movies, mp3s, images, text
- Split browser: simultaneous Queue, Schedule or Preview views
- New built-in FTP Droplet with Zip before uploading option
- Per-list Forward/Back, History + navigation controls
- Refined toolbar items + color icons option
- OSX transition, transparency and animation effects
- OSX Auto-restore windows support (10.7 and later)
- OSX Notification Center notification support (10.8 and later)
- OSX dark mode support
- OSX new menubar viewing mode support in (10.11 and later)
- And much much MUCH more... another HUGE upgrade!
- Title: Vicomsoft FTP Client 5.5
- Developer: Vicomsoft
- Compatibility: OS X 10.5 or later, 64-bit processor
- Language: English
- Includes: Serial
- Size: 43.96 MB
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