Geekbench AI 1.3.0

Geekbench AI

Geekbench AI is a cross-platform AI benchmark that uses real-world machine learning tasks to evaluate AI workload performance. Geekbench AI measures your CPU, GPU, and NPU to determine whether your device is ready for today's and tomorrow's cutting-edge machine learning applications.

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Geekbench 6.4.0

Geekbench 6.4.0

Geekbench 6 measures your processor's single-core and multi-core power, for everything from checking your email to taking a picture to playing music, or all of it at once. Geekbench 6's CPU benchmark measures performance in new application areas including Augmented Reality and Machine Learning, so you'll know how close your system is to the cutting-edge.

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Geekbench 5.5.1

Geekbench 5.5.1

Geekbench 5 is a cross-platform benchmark that measures your system's performance with the press of a button. How will your mobile device or desktop computer perform when push comes to crunch? How will it compare to the newest devices on the market? Find out today with Geekbench 5.

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