Cisdem PDF Compressor 5.0.0

Cisdem PDF Compressor 5.0.0

The Smartest PDF Compressor for Mac to Significantly Reduce PDF File Size. PDFs are too large to email or upload? Use this all-new Cisdem PDF Compressor Mac to reduce the size of single or multiple PDF files, maintaining original PDF formats. The preset filter modes and resolution/image quality settings allow you to decide sizes and quality of PDFs. Speed up file sharing and free your disk - Compress the PDFs Now!

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Persecond 1.7.1

Persecond 1.7.1

Persecond is the easy, fun way to create a beautiful timelapse video. Import an image sequence from any camera, trim the length of your video, adjust the speed and playback direction, and you’re done. Export in broadcast quality or import to Flixel Cinemagraph Pro and create an amazing timelapse+cinemagraph hybrid video. It’s magical visual storytelling at its best.

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Morph Age 5.1.4

Morph Age 5.1.4

Morph Age (was Morph Age Express) is an application for morphing faces and warping images on macOS. It works by allowing you to define curves on one or more images and changes based on those curves are reflected in the resulting image through the corresponding distortion and morphing effect.

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URL Extractor 4.8.2

URL Extractor 4.8.2

URL Extractor is a Cocoa application to extract email addresses and URLs from files, from the Web, and also looking via search engines. It can start from a single Web page and navigate all the links inside looking for emails or URLs to extract, and save all on the user HD. It can also extract from a single file or from all the content of a folder on your HD at any nested level. And once done, it can save URL Extractor documents to disk, containing all the setting used for a particular folder or file or Web pages, ready to be reused. Or the extracted data can be saved on disk as text files ready to be used for the user purposes.

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Overlay 4.30

Overlay 4.30

A frame that allows you to have an image or even PDF displayed semi-transparently in front of everything. It enables you to copy, trace, or compare designs, images, and documents with ease since you can lock the frame and make it undisturbed by mouse gestures.

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Studies 1.8 7

Studies 1.8 7

Studies (was Mental Case) is a flashcard app for the serious student, with editions for Mac, iPhone and iPad. It's a tool to extend your knowledge, and it doesn't matter what it is you want to learn - medicine, law, history, driving, aviation, fine art, music, or martial arts - from simple day-to-day tidbits, to knowledge of life changing importance. Studies is an app to help you achieve your learning goals.

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