GeekBench 3.4.1

GeekBench 3.4.1

Geekbench measures your computer's processor and memory performance.

Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of tests engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.
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Mac Life – Spring 2016

Mac Life – Spring 2016

Mac|Life provides exclusive, authoritative information and advice for readers who want to get the most out of their Macs, iPods, and third-party hardware, software, and services. The magazine also delivers informative feature articles showcasing the latest hardware and software, an expanded “how-to” section, and candid reviews of the latest gear.
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Nuance Dragon for Mac 5.0.5

Nuance Dragon for Mac 5.0.5

Whether you’re creating documents, spreadsheets or presentations, sending emails, filling out forms or simply looking to reduce typing stress, Dragon for Mac drives productivity at work. Dictate and transcribe documents with a fully customizable experience that optimizes speed and accuracy. Even connect to the soon-to-be released Dragon Anywhere mobile app for iOS or Android for an end-to-end voice productivity solution that helps you work smarter and faster wherever your job takes you.
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Noizio 1.5

Noizio 1.5

Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity. On the other hand, it can also set the mood for a romantic evening or lull you to sleep, ensuring that you will dream soundly all night long. An ambient sound equalizer app for creating a mixture of ambient sounds available for Mac OS X.
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Babel: Choice

Babel: Choice

Babel: Choice is a 2D action-adventure Roguelike game which combines with the elements of RPG and shooting games. In the game, the player will play the part of Alexander, the son of the evil duke, aiming to break through the perilous and capricious Tower of Evil.
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Earth is doomed and our only hope is getting a survivable habitat up in space using whatever resources are scattered in orbit. You’re left with debris, junk, and other oddities to use for humanity’s survival. Build, upgrade, and control the Habitats that you create as you see fit. The main Campaign will take you through narrative-driven missions while Sandbox mode will give you a blank slate and pure creative control to build and explore at your leisure.
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DwellClick 2.2.4

DwellClick 2.2.4

DwellClick is an app that clicks the mouse for you, and lets you give your fingers a rest!
  • Click and drag with mouse movements only. No clicking required!
  • Save thousands of clicks per day. No more tired and sore hands.
  • Drag and resize windows so easily it's like magic!
  • Works great with any trackpad or mouse.
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Lucid 1.0.5

Lucid 1.0.5

LUCiD is an easy-to-use desktop application that makes your pictures look as perfect as the moment -- in no time flat, proving that you don't have to be a pro photographer, own an expensive camera, or spend hours editing to get great photos.
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Day of the Tentacle Remastered v1.02

Day of the Tentacle Remastered v1.02

Dr. Fred’s mutated purple tentacle is about to take over the world, and only you can stop him!

Originally released by LucasArts in 1993 as a sequel to Ron Gilbert’s ground breaking Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle is a mind-bending, time travel, cartoon puzzle adventure game in which three unlikely friends work together to prevent an evil mutated purple tentacle from taking over the world!
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Music Tube 2.1.0

Music Tube 2.1.0

Music Tube is the native desktop client for YouTube music. It plays and organizes music directly from YouTube. In it you can get recommendation for the hottest songs, find tracks you seek, build your personal playlists, and more. Best of all? It lives right in your menu bar and is super easy to control!
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