Stellar Partition Manager 3.0.4

Stellar Partition Manager is quick, easy, do-it-yourself software that manages the individual volumes (including the boot volume) of your Mac. It has a simple and user-friendly interface for smooth operation. Its compatibility with OS X 10.10 Yosemite and later ensures stable performance. The software handles all partition management tasks, such as creation, deletion, and formatting of volumes, as well as hiding/revealing a volume. Creating a partition utilizes the unused space available in other volumes, while deleting a volume frees overall space for other volumes. If the operations are to be performed on the boot volume, you can do it by creating a boot disc. However, data backup is always suggested to avoid any kind of data loss when operating on the boot volume.
- create mac partitionCreate Mac Partition/Volumes
- resize mac partitionDelete Mac Partition/Volumes
- repartition boot driveRepartition Boot Drive
- repartition without datalossRepartition Without Data Loss
- resize mac partitionresize Mac Partition/Volumes
- resize mac partitionFormat Mac Partition/Volumes
- resize mac partitionPartitioning External Drive
- Resize Boot CampResize Boot Camp
- Title: Stellar Partition Manager 3.0.4
- Developer: Stellar Information Technology Private Limited
- Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
- Language: English
- Includes: Serial
- Size: 14.26 MB
- visit official website
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