Fork 2.44

Fork 2.44

Fast and friendly git client. Fork is getting better and better day after day and we are happy to share our results with you. Commit List - Working Directory Changes - Side by Side Diff - Repository Manager Summary and Statistics

  • Basic features: Fetch, pull, push | Commit, amend | Create and delete branches and tags | Create and delete remote repos | Checkout branch or revision | Cherry-pick, revert | Merge, rebase | Stashes | Submodules
  • Work with repository: Create, clone or add existing repos | Open recent repository quickly
  • Commit view: Stage / unstage changes line-by-line | Access to recent commit messages
  • More features: Browse the repository file tree at any commit | Intuitive merge conflict resolving | See your stashes right in the commit list

What's New:

Version 2.44


  • Highlight message prefixes in commit list
  • Option to reveal line in Xcode and BBEdit


  • Ability to update account token
  • Update git to 2.45.2


  • Create Branch button on toolbar doesn't work when HEAD is hidden by filter


  • Title: Fork 2.44
  • Developer: Danil Pristupov
  • Compatibility: macOS 10.13 or later
  • Language: English
  • Includes: K'ed by TNT
  • Size: 55.68 MB
  • visit official website



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