Blue Sheep
Blue Sheep is a Platformer Adventure set in a strange world, plagued by the physical manifestation of misery, known as the Beast. Play as the Outsider, experiencing the memories of a warrior who once opposed the Beast.
- Stunningly scored, with original music hand tailored for every scene/event in the game.
- Highly personal narrative driven by the developers' personal experience with depression and suicide.
- Imaginative puzzles and environments.
- Adventure/Beat'em Up combat style, with weapons having uses outside of combat.
- Compelling Stylized Visuals
- Created mostly by a two man team
- Full Controller Support
- Title: Blue Sheep
- Release Date: 31 Mar, 2016
- Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
- Developer: Noetic Games
- Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
- Language: English
- Includes: Pre-K'ed
- Size: 918.74 MB
- visit official website
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