Graphic Inspector 2.6.7

Graphic Inspector 2.6.7

Graphic Inspector provides extensive info on entire folders of images and vector graphic files and helps locate potential problems according to user-defined rules. Graphic Inspector is a professional checkup tool designed to help users of any trade, whether it's print, web design, photography or publishing on mobile devices.

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Motion Weather 4K - Ultra HD 1.2.0

Motion Weather 4K - Ultra HD 1.2.0

Introducing Motion Weather 4K: The most insanely beautiful and innovative weather application ever conceived. Motion Weather 4K turns your Wallpaper into breathtaking Cinema quality 4K video based on the Weather conditions outside — and is an excellent weather application in it’s own right. Motion Weather 4K also “knows” when it’s day time and night time and automatically switches to night time 4K videos when it’s night outside! We’ve spent countless hours shooting and licensing some of the highest quality 4K videos in the world to deliver an experience like no other; and then spent even more time developing the app itself.

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