Finder Windows 1.5.17

Finder Windows 1.5.17

Put an end to the daily struggle in the Finder! Finder Windows is a floating panel which gives you instant access to the list of open Finder windows at any time. It solves the daily struggle of trying to reach the desired folders among the ever changing mess of open windows. Now you can just glimpse at the list and select the desired window.

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CleanMyMac 5.0.4 fix


CleanMyMac X is an user friendly Mac app that comes with a stylish design and helps you detect the junk files, but also user and system cache / log files, broken preferences or login items, apps that have universal binaries (you can remove the executable that is not suitable for your architecture), language files (you can keep only the one you actually employ).

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Pacifist 4.1.3


Pacifist opens up .pkg installer packages, .dmg disk images, .zip, .tar. tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .pax, and .xar archives and more, and lets you extract or install individual files out of them. This is useful if you need to install just one file out of a package instead of the entire package (for example, if you deleted your Preview application and need to reinstall it, but not the whole operating system), or if you want to inspect a downloaded package to see what it will do before installing it. Pacifist can also load some archive types over HTTP, in case you want to extract just a single file from a large .zip archive without waiting for the entire archive to download. Finally, Pacifist can examine the kernel extensions installed in your system to let you see what installer installed them, and whether the installer was made by Apple or a third-party.

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