PDF Protector 1.5.3

PDF Protector 1.5.3

PDF Protector is an easy-to-use tool to encrypt or decrypt your PDF documents.

Set a password and let PDF Protector encrypt your documents to hinder others from opening it. You can also set a separate password that has to be known by everyone who wants to copy or print content of your your document. Of cause PDF Protector also lets you remove any of these security mechanisms, providing you know the password. Since PDF Protector uses standard PDF functions, it works perfectly with other PDF applications. If you have to to encrypt or decrypt a lot of documents with the same password, you can set a default password to be used by PDF Protector.

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Magnet 3.0.6

Magnet 3.0.6

Window Magnet will change the way you work with your Mac! Easily snap windows into various sizes and positions by simply dragging them to the edges and corners of the screen. Maximize them, place them side by side or deploy them into all four quarters of your screen in the blink of an eye.

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