WiFi Signal - Status Monitor 4.4.13

WiFi Signal - Status Monitor 4.4.13

WiFi Signal is a system menu bar application that provides easy access to your Wi-Fi connection details (name, channel, transmit rate, signal strength, noise, etc.), monitors the signal quality of your wireless network, and can find and recommend alternative channels for your network thus avoiding signal overlapping and channel conflicts that can result in connectivity issues and performance degradation.

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Steinberg Dorico Pro 5.1.60

Steinberg Dorico Pro 5.1.60

Dorico helps you to write music notation, automatically producing printed results of exceptional quality - and plays it back with breathtaking realism. It is easy enough for anyone to learn, yet has hundreds of advanced notations, features, options and sounds to satisfy even the most demanding professionals.

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Labels and Databases 1.8.4

Labels and Databases 1.8.4

The Labels and Databases is a label maker and designer software with complex database support. It helps you to create labels, envelopes, and cards using various built-in label formats, and fill them with the information contained in user databases, that is create and print labels by using Mail Merge.

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