Rottenwood 1.3.0

Rottenwood gives you a centralized location for listing the movies you've seen or want to see, to mark them as favorites, or even to make notes about them, all in an attractive interface complete with advanced search features.
Rottenwood gives you a centralized location for listing the movies you've seen or want to see, to mark them as favorites, or even to make notes about them, all in an attractive interface complete with advanced search features.
Xojo is an integrated development tool, but it is also a programming language for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, web and Raspberry Pi. Xojo is the easiest tool for creating your own apps. Xojo is made up of a rich set of graphical user interface objects, a modern object-oriented language, an integrated debugger, and a multi-platform compiler. Build your app's interface by dragging and dropping interface objects onto the apps’s windows and dialogs. We offer a variety of guides, videos and other helpful resources to help you get going.