AYBO 1.22.0

With AYBO you can perform any kind of calculations, unit conversions, currency conversions, check the weather, set timers, plot graphs, solve simple equations! Know what?? You can even create your own custom commands! :)
With AYBO you can perform any kind of calculations, unit conversions, currency conversions, check the weather, set timers, plot graphs, solve simple equations! Know what?? You can even create your own custom commands! :)
Virtual Wall confines the mouse cursor in one monitor per time without turning off or disconnecting the unused other monitors. Virtual Wall prevent to go in the near monitor accidentally. Furthermore it's possible to set a ‘shadow’ on unused monitors until they are fully dark.
The unique App for hide the cursor on the Mac App Store, but the best app in absolute! With the Best price.
Infinity Monitor provides a shortcut for the mouse cursor thus it makes it faster for the cursor to move throughout the monitor. Once reached the edge of the screen Infinity Monitor allows the mouse cursor to get back from the opposite side of the monitor, so you don’t have to move all the way back.