KyPass Companion 1.9

KyPass Companion 1.9

KyPass is a Mac version of KeePass from Dominik Reichl.

It saves many different information (user names, passwords, urls, comments, …) in one single database. The entries are sorted in groups. The integrated search function allows to search in the complete database.
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SimBooster Premiun 2.9.9

SimBooster Premiun 2.9.9

For slow Macs, SimBooster can release RAM to increase the processing speed. It can also help users protect their personal data from malicious cookies. Users who suffer from small hard drive space, SimBooster can clean trash, logs, and cache files to free up hard drive space. Its Duplicates and Old Files Finder can further clean up more space for users. Additionally, SimBooster can clean temporary files of web browser and get rid of unwanted apps or files.
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