WidsMob Montage 3.26

WidsMob Montage 3.26

Are you making some poster for activities, designing shape montage for birthday party? WidsMob Montage should be an excellent montage maker to turn everything into stunning mosaic photographs. It is a versatile photomontage maker, which can make stunning photo mosaic with thousands of images in high resolution.

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WidsMob HDR 3.20

WidsMob HDR 3.20

WidsMob HDR Plus has advanced tone mapping algorithm that combine a set of 3 different bracketed photos into HDR with advanced tone mapping algorithm. WidsMob HDR Plus provides the optimal HDR results to enhance the photos as eye view. It also provides the live preview with full resolution of the HDR photographs.

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WidsMob Viewer Pro 2.19

WidsMob Viewer Pro 2.19

How to view photos and videos taken with camcorder or smartphone with ease? When you view the multimedia files of camcorder on Mac, you have to use different programs to view files in different formats. Moreover you might need file converter to transcode the files beforehand. WidsMob Viewer Pro is the easy and professional method to browse and manage photos and videos.

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WidsMob ImageConvert 3.25

WidsMob ImageConvert 3.25

WidsMob ImageConvert should be the versatile photo converter to handle hundreds or thousands of images in batch. Whether you need to turn RAW into JPEG, resize, compress, rename, add border, add watermark in text or image, you can always turn photos into desired result within one click.

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